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My Gratefull

I’m Iqbal Ramadhan, December 13rd 1999. In Life there’s have Happpiness moment and Sad moment. Two moments were never separated from every human life. I also feel Two Moments that. When I was Balita (children under five), I have felt fire accident. And when I was a Child (10th), My father so often gamble, often out at night, and having an affair with another girl, and “maybe” because it's all my parents almost divorced. I very remember, my father and my mother did not sleep at home up to two months. Sometimes my father slept in his sewing, sometimes my mother slept in his sewing. In fact there was a time, when I was playing Play Station and don’t know anything, suddenly happen like a divorce hearing at home. At that time I don’t really remember what they were talking about, I remember at that time there were only six people (including me), and it was a lot of talk worded. When I'm in class 2 Elementary School, my father up to sell the private car to fulfill the economy. Thanks God, I has reached the age of 16+. Thanks God, have friends which is appear in my life. Thanks God, make My Family be more better than before. Thank, for all you've given. Thanks for now I can do all the anything, I can see the world, I still alive, I can walk & ran in this world, I can bring anything, I can read the words, I can say anything, I can hear anything, I can write, I can typewrite, I can think anything, I can meet friends, I can eat, I can drink, I can stduying in Great School, I have all the things make me happy, I still have parents, I have good facilities at home, I have a Good Life, I have complete body, etc. Thanks to made me be better, to made My life be better, to made me a better place, to made economy My Family. Thanks for everything, God. 


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