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Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2016
Be truly real Racer Sudah master kalau di Arena Balap. Sudah lebih jago daripada yang kemarin.. Ngomong-ngomong untuk yang versi Rider, kayaknya sebentar lagi tamat :'D --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Already be Pro Racer on Any Arena. Be better than yesterday. And btw for Rider Version, I think we near in the end :'D
WINNING FA CUP (AGAIN) See full in Juara FA lagi bro.. Tahun 2016 kami jadi juara FA, dan ditahun 2017 kami juga menjadi juara FA. Meskipun performa di Liga tak bagus, tapi untungnya di FA kami bermain bagus.. Selamat untuk diri saya :D Oh iya, setelah ini saya juga akan mengupload video partai final Eropa League, jadi tunggu :') ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- be the Winner of FA Cup in second time, bro.. When 2016 we the Winner of FA Cup, and on 2017 we also the Winner of FA Cup. Although we are not have very good performance, but we can played very nice in FA Cup.. Congralt to my self :D Btw, coming soon I'll upload My Video in the Final of Europa League, so wait :')
I felt very love this game (Assassin's Creed) and love this game so much more than any game. FOR NOW.
Can handle the Challenges See full in > Sebelum ini saya merasakan susah menghadapi tantangan sehingga saya harus mengulang untuk ngedapetin Gold Medal, tapi akhirnya saya bisa ngadepin tantangan itu dan mulai bisa mendapatkan Gold Medals lagi :D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before this, I felt so hard to get Gold Medals so I must repaet the race to get Gold Medals. And now I can handle this challenges and can get easy and get Gold Medals again :D
beaten Real Madrid See full in > 10 - 3 broo, (Me) FC Bayern Munchen - Real Madrid (Com). Gak kepikiran kalo bakal ngebantai Real Madrid seperti ini. Banyak pemain lagi "merah" di pertandingan ini (termasuk Neuer yang mlakukan 7x penyelamatan). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 - 3 broo, (Me) Fc Bayern Munchen - Real Madrid (Com). Never mind if I can beaten Real Madrid like this. So much players is "on fire" in this match (included Neuer with 7Saves)
Try for the sake of Two Races You can see full in > --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Untuk kali ini, satu video ini berisikan perjuangan saya demi untuk mendapatkan Gold Medal, saya harus mengulang berkali-kali. Mengulang dan Berganti Mobil telah saya lakukan, tapi tetap saja saya harus mengulangnya berkali-kali. Tapi pada akhirnya, saya bisa menyelesaikannya dengan mendapatkan Gold Medals. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this time, this video filled up with my fuck the safe to get Gold Medal, I must tried repeated again and again. Repeated and Changed the Cars is what I've do, but i'm till mus repeat that. But in the end, I finished that with the Gold Medals :D -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASSASSIN'S CREED                 ASSASSIN'S CREED. Salahsatu game terpopuler dan terbaik di dunia (menurut saya). Awalnya saya mengetahui game Assassins Creed karna Idola saya, yaitu Ariel (Noah) memainkan game itu. Lalu saya diberitahukan teman saya (Nanda) ada permainan Assassins Creed di ppsspp, yaitu Assassins Creed: Bloodlines. Saya coba memainkan game itu, dan game itu membuat saya menyukai game itu. Lalu saya mencoba mencari game Assassin's Creed via PC, dan saya menemukan sudah terdapat 11 game via PC. Saya bingung dan tidak mengetahui apapun tentang Assassin's Creed, lalu dengan ketidakpengetahuan itu saya mendownload dan mulai memainkan game Assassin's Creed 3.          Ada suka & duka saat saya memainkan Assassin's Creed 3. Pertama, saat saya sudah hampir tamat, namun save game nya hilang. Kedua, saat sudah sampai Pertengahan Cerita, saya memutuskan untuk mengganti Wind...
My Gratefull I’m Iqbal Ramadhan, December 13rd 1999. In Life there’s have Happpiness moment and Sad moment. Two moments were never separated from every human life. I also feel Two Moments that. When I was Balita (children under five), I have felt fire accident . And when I was a Child (10th), My father so often gamble, often out at night, and having an affair with another girl , and “maybe” because it's all my parents almost divorced. I very remember, my father and my mother did not sleep at home up to two months. Sometimes my father slept in his sewing, sometimes my mother slept in his sewing. In fact there was a time, when I was playing P lay S tation and don’t know anything, suddenly happen like a divorce hearing at home. At that time I d on’ t really remember what they were talking about, I remember at that time there were only six people (including me), and it was a lot of talk worded. When I'm in class 2 Elementary School, my father up to sell the ...
The Challenges is begun Mulai banyak tantangan. Ada beberapa race yang harus diselesaikan berulang-ulang demi mengerjar Gold Medal, alhasil, banyak rekaman yang dihapus demi membuat video yang tidak boros durasi. Btw, maaf kalau belakangan ini postingan Blog & Youtube saya tidak teratur, karena saya sangat-sangat sibuk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Challenges is begun. There are some races to be solved repeatedly to get the Gold Medal, the result, much records were deleted for the sake making a video that's not wasteful duration. Btw, Sorry for irregularities on my posts lately, because I'm very-very busy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can see full in
About Myself My Full Name: Iqbal Ramadhan My Nick Name: Iqbal My Gender: (You can see it from the photo at above) Place, Birth: Jakarta. December 13th, 1999 Hobby: Playing video Games Ambition : to be the True Person Status: Student in VHS 11 Jakarta Barat Likely: Assassin's Creed, Detective Conan, PES, watch Anime, dll. I very love Assassin's Creed game, especially Assassin's Creed 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, and Assassin's Creed 3. Assassin's Creed Bloodlines is the first of Assassin's Creeds I played. Elementary School: SDN Pinangsia 06 Pagi Junior High School: SMPN 22 Jakarta Barat Vocational High School: SMKN 11 Jakarta Yap, I'm developed in Pinangsia (12 years) :v My Blood Type: O My Height: 180cm (maybe) Like a Monster :v My Account Socmeds: You can see in my first post. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
already be a Racer Pro Saat ini saya punya keinginan untuk memperbanyak video dari akun YouTube saya. Sebelumnya saya ingin dengan memperbanyak videonya dengan video game yang saya rekam saat saya bermain One Pirates Warrior 3 (OPPW3), tapi apa daya Komputer ku ngelag saat merekam game itu. Akhirnya saya berpaling ke game Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit yang sudah saya tamatkan sewaktu bulan Januari. Dan untung saja saat saya merekam game Hot Pursuit, komputer saya lancar-lancar saja, lalu saya melanjutkan merekam video game saat saya memainkan game Hot Pursuit. Untuk saat ini video youtube saya hanya fokus di Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For now I want to increases my YouTube channel. In previous, actually I want to increases my video with my video recorded when I playing game One Piece Pirates Warrior 3 (OPPW3), but my computer slow down when I record...